PC Phillipson from Leominster 01568616123 / +441568616123
Caller Name: PC Phillipson more...
Ratings: 3
Assessment: neutral, slightly negative, check call critically
Jaynie wrote: Caller claimed to be a policeman and stated that a person had beenough arrested in Stratford carryin... all ratings
Details about this number
City: Leominster - United KingdomTelephone number: 01568-616123
Further Information: Find out
tellows score for +441568616123
Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews
Types of call:
Cost trap 2 reports |
Ping Call 1 reports |
Caller Name:
unknown 2 reports |
PC Phillipson 1 reports |
Approximate caller location
Who calls with 01568616123?
Jaynie reported unknown with the number +441568616123 as Cost trap
Caller claimed to be a policeman and stated that a person had beenough arrested in Stratford carrying cloned bank cards with my name. They had arrested him after he had taken out £350 from my account. He was going to make sure the cards were cancelled immediately. He was going to send an agent round to collect the cards the following day in order to use them as evidence in court. He passed the call to a woman to take further information. I informed her that I was going to attend the court hearing in the morning. She said that would not be necessary.. she terminated the call after saying I was not taking the matter serious.
Jaynie reported PC Phillipson with the number +441568616123 as Ping Call
Caller claimed to be a policeman and stated that a person had beenough arrested in Stratford carrying cloned bank cards with my name. They had arrested him after he had taken out £350 from my account. He was going to make sure the cards were cancelled immediately. He was going to send an agent round to collect the cards the following day in order to use them as evidence in court. He passed the call to a woman to take further information. I informed her that I was going to attend the court hearing in the morning. She said that would not be necessary.. she terminated the call after saying I was not taking the matter serious.
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Mark reported unknown with the number 01568616123 as Cost trap
Scammers having an off day - automated "emergency" message saying I had a card transaction of £600 and to press 1 to speak to an operator. Pressed 1 expecting some scammer to try (and fail) to get my bank details and was greeted by "George" from "BT Broadband". Must try harder!