Jonathan 07956268406 / +447956268406
Caller Name: Jonathan more...
Ratings: 5
Assessment: trustworthy, harmless call
Richard Denton wrote: We called this company at 11.35pm as we had an immersion heater that had sprung a leak, we called 15... all ratings
Details about this number
Area Code: mobil phone number - United KingdomTelephone number: 079-56268406
Further Information: Find out
tellows score for +447956268406
Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews
Types of call:
Trustworthy number 3 reports |
Cost trap 1 reports |
Caller Name:
unknown 3 reports |
Jonathan 1 reports |
Who calls with 07956268406?
Investigator Martin Edwards reported unknown with the number 07956268406 as Trustworthy number
We called them out as we had a serious water leak in the kitchen, i had called at least 12 other companies without any assistance, they sent someone out within about an hr or so, highly delighted
Investigator Marie Lloyd reported unknown with the number 07956268406 as Cost trap
This company offer's 24 hour call outs for gas, electrical etc issues. all they do is ask what the problem is...then find an engineer themselves. for doing this they charge £68.00. My 83 year old mum who has dementia had a leak in her boiler. We were desperate to find a plumber as she had no heating and its been -2. They told us that a plumber would be with us in 90 minutes and my mum would have to pay £68 up front. He also said that 90% of the vans have the parts on but he lied. The plumber came did not know anything about this middle man and the manager of the company was very angry and called him the next day to ask him who he was and did he realise he had just taken £68 from a vulnerable old lady with fall pretenses
Disgusting!!!!!Martin Smith replied 4/18/22, 11:16 PMIt seems that you are using your mothers age to gain some sort of moral advantage, you booked a plumber they sent one out, what is your problem, i have used these before several times, they tell you the price before you pay for your deposit, there are thousands of plumbing companies you could have used or are these the only ones that answered you and sent out a tradesman to assist you. get a life.
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Unknown call, automatic hang off... 2 more comments!
This number is associated with jpy500 and oxford-wise both f... 1 more comments!
... 1 more comments!
I answered, "Hello" Guy started with "Hello how are you" M... 1 more comments!
Attenzione pericolo di truffa . Dice di essere un Broker . A... 3 more comments!
Richard Denton reported Jonathan with the number 07956268406 as Trustworthy number
We called this company at 11.35pm as we had an immersion heater that had sprung a leak, we called 15 other companies and most were sleeping but none could attend until 10am the next day even though they advertised a 24hr service, someone called patrick arrived in 55 minutes, he was so friendly and knowledgeable, thank you so much, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED,