KBS from London 02036388298 / +442036388298
Caller Name: KBS more...
Ratings: 6
Assessment: neutral
Staff4commerce wrote: Sounded very pushy but spoke with senior and they knew them!!!. Was instructed not to keep details f... all ratings
Details about this number
City: London - United KingdomTelephone number: 020-36388298
Further Information: Find out
tellows score for +442036388298
Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews
Types of call:
Unknown 3 reports |
Trustworthy number 2 reports |
Telemarketer 1 reports |
Caller Name:
KBS 4 reports |
unknown 2 reports |
Heatmap (Call distribution)
Who calls with 02036388298?
LondonBasedCompany reported number 02036388298 as KBS
I missed 3 calls from this number, tried calling back and got 'This mailbox is full, goodbye' and the call ended. The person then called back asking to speak to a member of the board but would not provide any further details. Go away and get a real job!!!!
Investigator FM140110 reported KBS with the number 02036388298 as Telemarketer
Clueless male caller asked for one director by name and then asked to speak to "the directors or shareholders" (wtf like we would just get them all on a call). Mentioned KBS tangentally but then refused to elaborate on what they did or the purpose of the call. Eventually flounced with a passive aggressive comment like "you've answered my question for me".
New rating to 02036388298
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If you are the owner of the number or if you have additional information on the company, please use special company listing for more details.Further numbers that were allocated to the caller "KBS"
Tom from KBS calling to speak to an unknown director for ano... 18 more comments!
... 18 more comments!
Called asking for one of the share holders, when I what it w... 21 more comments!
Staff4commerce reported number +442036388298 as KBS
Sounded very pushy but spoke with senior and they knew them!!!. Was instructed not to keep details for KBS? seems very secretive for some reason??? I know it was something to do with mangers